by Aayan Yadav

Over the years neuroscience has inspired many quantum leaps in Artificial Intelligence. One such remarkable development inspired by the visual ventral system of the brain is Disentangled Variational Autoencoders.

So first things first -

What are Autoencoders?

In a real-world scenario, fewer dimensions may be required to capture the information stored in a particular data point than already present. This is due to the inherent structure of the data.


As shown above, in the first image data points are truly random, there is no structure to data so all three x, y, and z coordinates are necessary to represent data. While in the second image, data is restricted to a spiral, there is some structure to data so that it could be represented by just two variables.


Autoencoder uses neural networks to provide an unsupervised approach to deal with data.

Data is run through a neural network and map it into a lower dimension called the latent dimension. Then that information can be decoded using a decoder. If we increase the dimensions of the latent space we would get a more detailed image but the number of dimensions required for a considerably clear reconstruction might be very less as compared to the original dimensionality .It could also be used for applications like image segmentation, denoising and neural inpainting.

How does it work?

Basically we compress the information into latent variables using non linear activation function and then run it through the decoder with the aim of recreating the input data by using just the information stored in latent variables. We calculate the reconstruction loss by comparing the output with input then try to minimize this loss by changing the parameters.

Variational Autoencoders

We have a rough idea of autoencoders by now, so the next question which is arises is what are Variatonal Autoencoders(VAEs) and how are they different ?

In VAEs unlike traditional autoencoders the input is mapped to a distribution from which data is sampled and fed into the decoder.

Given input data $x$ and latent variable $z$ , encoder tries to learn the posterior distribution $p(z|x)$.

This posterior is intractable so VAEs use variational inference to approximate it

Variational Inference : We choose a family of distribution and then fit it to the input data by changing the parameters. This helps us learn a good approximation to intractable distribution.
